Series CDS
004 ...CDS 048

Mains supply voltage: 3AC 230V ... 480V
Output frequency: 0 Hz ... 670 Hz
Rated current: 4 A ... 60 A
Overload 1 s: 100 %
Overload 30 s: 50 %
Motors: AC-Asynchronous,
AC-Synchronous, DC-Servo,
DC-Spindle incl. field weakening
Control structures available
- Speed control with/without resolver
- Torque control with/without resolver
- Frequency control
- Integration of higher level control
structures, e.g. position control
Feedback systems
Two sensor inputs for
- Resolver, all makes
- Sine encoders, with or without
commutation track (Heidenhain,
Stegmann, Tamagawa)
- Incremental encoders, all makes
- EnDat supported
Powerful software features
- Support and capture are standard
- Units can be synchronized via 8 kHz
phased-locked-loop and virtual
- Multiple axis systems (Communicate
via Dual-Port-RAM)
- Standard motor data parameters
set ex works
- SPS- and CNC- functionality
can be integrated (Option)
- 15 different parameter sets are
available (Option)
- Open application environment for
programming in C++ (Option)
- Customer-specific additional
functions (Option)
Comprehensive test and diagnostic
- Accessible at front side:
- LED for status display
- Measure points
- Extended functions via PC
and Handling Software
Option for PLC and/or CNC
- Industrial PC could be integrated
into the housing of digiSTAR
- PC-based Software for PLC and/or
movement control
- Integrated machine control for
lathes (FOCUS-T) and
milling machines (FOCUS-M)
- Customer specific application
and user interface could be made
with standard programming tools
Connection to Automation systems via
- Fieldbus, e.g. CAN, Sercos, Profibus
- Serial interface RS232, RS485
- ParaBus: Low-price coupling for
multi-AX drive systems
Inputs and outputs
- 1 analogue reference input,
+/- 10 V, 12 Bit or 16 Bit
(Second input optional)
- 12 programmable digital inputs
for control signals. 2 of which
are differential
- 8 programmable short-circuit
protected digital outputs
- 1 programmable short-circuit
protected analogue output
+/- 10 V, 12 Bit
Special hardware features
- Integrated brake chopper
- Integrated brake resistor up to
CDS 060 (Terminals for external
high-power resistor optional)
- Integrated mains filter (Option)
and integrated output filter
- Easy installation of signal, mains and
motor cables using connector plugs
(For big units: Fixed terminals)
- Terminal adapters for compatibility
to digiVEC series (Option)
- Personality Module (Option)
- Keyboard and display (Option)
- Internal socket for extension modules
with PC/104 standard bus
- PC-Module for DOS / Windows
can be integrated (Option)
- Safe disable function independent
from microprocessor (Option)