- Fully digitized 3AC servo controller

Main features
The new series digiSTAR is the improved successor of
the digiVEC servo inverter.
The digiVEC is still available, but for new applications we
recommend the digiSTAR. |
Series DAC 4 ...DAC 80

Mains supply voltage:
3AC 230V ... 400V +/-15%
(Optional 460V +10%/-15%)
Output frequency: 0 Hz ... 800 Hz
Rated current: 4 A ... 48 A
Overload 1 s: 100 %
Overload 30 s: 50 %
Motors: AC-Asynchronous,
AC-Synchronous, DC-Servo,
DC-Spindle incl. field weakening
Control structures available
- Speed control with/without resolver
- Torque control with/without resolver
- Frequency control
- Integration of higher level control
structures, e.g. position control
Feedback systems
Two sensor inputs for
- Resolver, all makes
- Incremental encoders, all makes
- Sine encoders, with or without
commutation track (Heidenhain,
Stegmann, Tamagawa) is optional
Comprehensive test and diagnostic
- Accessible at front side:
- 8 LED for status display
- 8 Measure points
- Extended functions via PC
and Handling Software

Connection to Automation systems via
- Fieldbus, e.g. CAN
- Serial interface RS232, RS485
Inputs and outputs
- 4 analogue reference inputs
- 6 analogue outputs
- 12 digital inputs
- 9 digital outputs
Special hardware features
- Integrated brake chopper
- Integrated brake resistor up to
DAC 28 (Terminals for external
high-power resistor are standard)
- Integrated mains filter (Option)
and integrated output filter
- Easy installation of signal, mains and
motor cables using connector plugs
(For cables > 16 A: Fixed terminals)
- Input for motor thermistor
- Software for spindle positioning, indexing,
winding at constant tension, electronic
gearboxes, metering pistons with immediate
reversing and many other applications
- Encoder simulation card for simulating a
normal signal from a mechanical encoder,
with the facility to set any full number of
pulses up to max. 1,024 pulses per pair of
poles in the resolver.
- Interface to CAN bus
- Supplementary card with 24 digital inputs or
outputs (configurable) for applications
- Customer specific functions on request
