As energy prices continue to rise, it is desirable to reduce the operating cost of electrical systems. Transformers manufactured with Temperature Rise of 80oC or 115oC are designed with lower than normal conductor and total losses that results in greater life expectancy, lower operating cost and significant overload capabilities. The losses of a transformer are a very small percentage of the total power that flows through it. However, all transformers have losses that appear in the form of heat. Core Loss - losses that are mainly caused by the resistance of the iron core to the magnetic flux magnetizing it. These loses can be reduced by lowering the flux density, using higher-grade steel and careful assembly procedures. Load Loss - losses that are caused primarily by the resistance of the winding conductors to the current that flows through them. These losses can be reduced by lowering the resistance of the windings and by lowering the temperature rise of the transformer. Rex Energy Efficient Transformers are designed with reduced core losses and reduces operating temperatures (Temperature Rise). Each transformer operating at a temperature rise of 115oC or 80oC will have approximately 20% and 35% lower losses respectively compared to a conventional 150oC temperature rise unit. An additional benefit of Rex Energy Efficient Transformers is enhanced overload capability. Transformers rated at 115oC or 80oC temperature rise can be operated at as a 150oC unit and yield and overload capability of 15% or 30% without reducing the life expectancy or service reliability.
Common Part Numbers & Typical Information
Enclosure sizes & overall weights will vary from 150oC Rise units. |
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